吳雅蓉 副教授
姓 名 |
吳雅蓉 / Ya-Jung Wu |
職 稱 |
副教授兼系主任 |
個人網頁 |
辦 公 室 |
商302 |
電子信箱 |
T80008@tsust.edu.tw |
電 話 |
外線直撥 (07) 607-7261 校內分機 2601 |
學 歷 |
國立台北大學企業管理研究所碩士 國立成功大學企業管理研究所博士 |
經 歷 |
中國生產力中心副管理師 高苑科大資訊傳播與行銷系副教授 |
專 長 |
企業管理 行銷管理 數位行銷 |
期刊論文 |
1. Lin, Chinho, Tsai, Hua-Ling, Wu, Ya-Jung, Kiang, Melody (2012), “A Fuzzy Quantitative VRIO-Based Framework for Evaluating Organizational Activities”, Management Decision, Vol. 50, No. 8, pp. 1396~1411. (SSCI) 2. Lin, Chinho, Wu, Ya-Jung, Chang, ChiaChi, Wang, Weihan, Lee, Cheng-Yu (2012), “The Alliance Innovation Performance of R&D Alliances—the Absorptive Capacity Perspective”, Technovation, Vol. 32, pp. 282~292. (SSCI) 3. Lin, Chinho, Jiang, Jyunlin, Wu, Ya-Jung, Chang, ChiaChi (2011), “Assessment of Commercialization Strategy Using R&D Capability”, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 111, No.3, pp. 341~369. (SCI) 4. Kuo, Tsung-Hsien, Ho, Li-An, Wu, Ya-Jung, Lin, Chien-Ting (2010), “The Factors Influencing Employees’ Attitudes in High-tech Environment”, Industrial Management & Data Systems, Vol. 110, No.7, pp. 1054~1072. (SCI) 5. Wu, Wann Yih, Ya-Jung Wu, and Yi-Ju Lo (2006),“The Impact of Governance Mechanisms on Interfirm Learning and Relationship Performance”, International Journal of Innovation and Learning, Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 673-691. 6. Wu, Wann Yih, Su-Chao Chang, and Ya-Jung Wu (2006), “The Impacts of Specificity Investments on Relationship Learning, and Competence Building: The Supplier’s Perspective”, International Journal of Management and Enterprise Development, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 244-263. 7. Li-Yueh WuLee, Chwan-Yi Chiang, Ya-Jung Wu, Jui-Chieh Huang, (2005), “The Influences of Trust and Knowledge Inflows/Outflows On Innovation and Performance for Parent-Affiliate Multinational Operations”, 崑山科技大學學報,第二期,pp. 85-104. 8. Wu, Wann Yih, Shih-Wen Hsiao, and Ya-Jung Wu (2005), “Applying Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision-Making to Evaluating the Control and Coordination Mechanisms of MNCs”, International Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 1-24. 9. Wu, Wann Yih, Chia Ying Li, and Ya-Jung Wu (2005), “The Evaluation of Management Competitiveness for Taiwan and Southeast Asian Countries”, International Journal of Business Performance Management, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 391-408. (ABI) 10. Wu, Wann Yih, Chih Hsiung Chou, and Ya-Jung Wu , (2004),”A Study of Strategy Implementation as Expressed through Sun Tzu’s Principles of War”, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol. 105, No. 5, pp. 396-408.(SCI) 11. Wu, Wann Yih, Chwan-Yi Chiang, Ya-Jung Wu, and Hui-Ju Tu (2004), “The Influencing Factors of Commitments and Business Integration on Supply Chain Management”, Industrial Management and Data Systems, Vol. 104, No. 4, pp. 322-333. (SCI) 12. 吳萬益、吳雅蓉、劉界富,(2002),『國際企業之「策略性角色」、「組織結構」、「人力資源策略」與組織績效之關係—在台子公司之實證』;輔仁管理評論,第九卷第一期,p. 151-196。 |
研討會論文 |
研討會論文 1. 曹衍灝,吳雅蓉(2016),「文化差異、自我效能、領導型態對兩岸管理效能之影響探討—以大陸台商唯鼎為例」,「2016經營管理實務研討會」,高苑科技大學 ,5月7日。 2. 蔡淑齡,吳雅蓉(2016),「觀光工廠體驗行銷、遊客滿意度與遊客忠誠度關係之研究—以台灣滷味博物館為例」「2016經營管理實務研討會」,高苑科技大學 ,5月7日。 3. 魏伶倫,吳雅蓉(2016),「農會女性主管轉換型領導對領導滿意度影響之研究—以員工人格特質為干擾變項」「2016經營管理實務研討會」,高苑科技大學 ,5月7日。 4. 吳雅蓉,謝雅絮(2014),「高雄市國小教師運用LINE於親師溝通之研究」,2014年樂齡事業管理學術研討會,高苑科技大學 ,4月12日。 5. 吳雅蓉,李慧枝(2014),「高雄市國中教師推行十二年國教之研究-計畫行為理論實證」,2014全球商業經營管理學術研討會,正修科技大學,5月1日。 6. Chinho Lin, Ya-Jung Wu, Hsiuwen Huang, Chihling Li, YiShun Chung, Hoang Nguyen, “On Critical Success Factors for Collaboration of Technology Commercialization between University And Firm: Examples of NCKU”, ACME 2011 conference, Tainan, Taiwan, July, 9-11, 2011. 7. Ya-Jung Wu (2010), “ The Impacts of Cooperation and Competition on Subsidiary’s Capabilities Building: An Empirical Study of Foreign Subsidiaries in Taiwan”, Technology Innovation and Industrial Management 2010 Conference, Pattaya, Thailand, June 16-18, 2010.
8. Chinho Lin, Weihan Wang, Chiachi Chang, Ya-Jung Wu (2010), “The Moderating Effect of Technology Distance on the Relationship between Alliance Portfolio and Patents Granted”, 2010跨領域創新技術產學合作論壇,國立成功大學,6月6日。
9. Chinho Lin, JyunLin Jiang, Ya-Jung Wu (2010), “How to Choose an University-Industry Collaboration Models - An Empirical Study on Aluminum Nitride Industry”,2010跨領域創新技術產學合作論壇, 國立成功大學,6月6日。
10. 吳雅蓉,鄭鈞鴻 (2009),「供應商專屬性資產投資之影響因素探討」,海峽兩岸經管/法學類實驗教學研討會 ,中國濟南,7月14-16日。
11. 吳雅蓉,王啟光,廖雅琪 (2009),「顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度之影響—以公平認知為干擾變數」,海峽兩岸經管/法學類實驗教學研討會 ,中國濟南,7月14-16日。 12. Hong-Chun Wang, Ya-Jung Wu (2009), “The Impact of Collective Nature of Team Members on New Product Development Performance: the Organizational Routines Perspective”, Technology Innovation and Industrial Management 2009 Conference (TIIM), Bangkok, Thailand, June 17-19, 2009. 13. Ya-Jung Wu, Hong-Chun Wang (2009), “The Influencing Factors of Supplier’s Specificity Investments”, Technology Innovation and Industrial Management 2009 Conference (TIIM), Bangkok, Thailand, June 17-19, 2009. 14. Ya-Jung Wu, Chi-Kuang Wang (2009), “The Impacts of Internal and External Environments on Subsidiary’s Capabilities”, Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Business Management and Information Technology Application (BMITA 2009), Kaohsiung, Taiwan, May 15, 2009.
15. 吳雅蓉,王啟光,謝明倉,劉強,(2009),「顧客滿意、關係行銷對顧客忠誠度之影響」,2009兩岸金融行銷暨人文社會科學學術研討會 ,中國蘇州,2月6日。
16. 吳雅蓉,陳蕙心,林曉昀,蔡筱涵,柯嘉惠,(2009),「信用卡價格策略對於消費者價格知覺、申辦意願之影響」,2009兩岸金融行銷暨人文社會科學學術研討會 ,中國蘇州,2月6日。
17. 吳雅蓉,張繼謙,(2008),「來源國形象效應對名牌精品購買意願之影響─以知覺價格及顧客產品知識為干擾變項」,2008科技與學習學術研討會 ,屏東教育大學,11月25日。 18. 吳雅蓉,陳昭維,(2008),「信任、資源依賴對供應商投入專屬性資產之影響」,2008高苑科技大學商業暨管理學院綜合研討會 ,5月18日。 19. Shu-hui Chen, Shuo-liang Wei, Ya-Jung Wu, (2007), “The Impacts of Technological Opportunity and Technology Integration Capability on Business Performance: An Empirical Study of High-tech Industry in Taiwan”, Association for Chinese Management Educators (ACME) 2007 Annual Meeting (Las Vegas, July 12-14, 2007). 20. 吳萬益,吳雅蓉,楊惠婷,(2007),「從權變觀點看製造商與供應商統轄機制之設計」,第十屆兩岸中華文化與經營管理學術研討會,中國廈門,7月6-8日。 21. 吳雅蓉,吳萬益,楊惠婷,(2007),「組織間協調機制對於交易成本、交易價值影響效果之探討」,2007高苑科技大學商業暨管理學院綜合研討會 ,5月18日。 22. Ya-Jung Wu, Yen-Tai Wang, (2006), “The Impacts of Social Capital on Learning Effectiveness in International Joint Venture: The Contingency Perspective”, 2006 Academy of Management Meeting (Atlanta, U.S.A., August 11-15, 2006). 23. Ya-Jung Wu, Chuen-Jing Bai, Hong-Chun Wang, “The Impacts of Co-Branding Strategy on the Effectiveness of Advertisements”, Association for Chinese Management Educators (ACME) 2006 Annual Meeting (Honolulu, Hawii, July 27-29, 2006). 24. Wu, Wann Yih, Su-Chao Chang, and Ya-Jung Wu (2005), “Specificity Investments, Relationship Learning, and Competence Building: The Supplier’s Perspective”, 2005 Academy of Management Meeting (Honolulu, Hawii, August 5-10, 2005). 25. Wann-Yih Wu, Teresa, L. Ju, Ya-Jung Wu, (2005), “The Impact Of Supplier’s Specificity Investments On Relationship Learning And Competence Upgrading”, Association for Chinese Management Educators (ACME) 2005 Annual Meeting (San Diego, July 28-30, 2005). 26. Wann-Yih Wu, Ya-Jung Wu, Jui-Chieh Huang, (2005), “A Network Approach For The Influences Of Trust On Knowledge Inflows/Outflows On Innovation”, IACIS Pacific 2005 Conference (Taipei, May 19-21, 2005). 27. Wann-Yih Wu, Shih-Wen Hsiao, Ya-Jung Wu, (2004), “Applying Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision-Making to Evaluating the Control and Coordination Mechanisms of MNCs”, Proceedings of Fifth International Conference on Operations & Quantitative Management, p.218-226. (Korea, October 25-27, 2004) 28. Wu, Wann Yih, Ya-Jung Wu, and Yi-Ju Lo, (2004), “The Impact of Governance Mechanisms on Interfirm Learning and Relationship Performance”, Proceedings of 10th Asia Pacific Management Conference, (Korea, October, 2004) 29. Wu, Ya-Jung, and Yen Tai Wang, (2003), “Effects of Social Capital on Organizational Learning and Knowledge Protection in International Joint Venture”, Proceedings of ACME 2003 International Conference on Pacific Rim Management, p.597-602. (Seattle, July 31—August 2, 2003) 30. Wu, Wann Yih, Chih Hsiung Chou, and Ya-Jung Wu , (2003),”A Study of Strategy Implementation as Expressed through Sun Tzu’s Principles of War”, 2003 AMS Annual Conference-Creating and Delivering Value in Marketing: Worldwide Perspectives on a Value-Centric Orientation (Washington D.C., May 28—31, 2003 ) 31. Wu, Wann-Yih, Ya-Jung Wu, Jue-Fan Wang, and Clyde A. Warden (2002), "Knowledge Creation, Organizational Learning and Innovation: A Comparative Study between Conventional and High-tech Industries,"2002 中華民國科技管理研討會,p.691-699. 32. Chiang, Chwan-Yi, Ya-Jung Wu, and Hui-Ju Tu (2002), “The Influencing Factors of Commitments and Business Integration on Supply Chain Management”, The 8th Asia Pacific Management Conference (Hong Kung, November 15—17, 2002 ) 33. Ya-Jung Wu, Wann-Yih Wu, and Chi-Hsun Lee, (2002), “An Empirical Study on the Influence of Ad-evoked Feelings and Ad Cognition on Attitude Toward the Ad”, Proceedings of The Academy Of Marketing Science—2002 Multicultural Marketing Conference. 34. Chinho Lin, Wann-Yih Wu, Ya-Jung Wu, and Hong-Chun Wang, (2001), “To Construct a New Product Development Process with Entropy Optimum by the Genetic Algorithm”, Proceedings of The Seventh Asia Pacific Management Conference—The Great Asia in 21st Century, p.143-164. 35. 吳萬益,蕭世文,吳雅蓉,(2001),「模糊與灰色決策理論應用於多國籍企業控制協調機制評估之研究」,第五屆兩岸中華文化與經營管理學術研討會,p.12-9-12-27。 36. 陳俊郎,林文寶,吳雅蓉,(2000)「文化因素與創業精神之相關性研究」,第四屆兩岸中華文化與經營管理學術研討會,p.12A-1-12A-9。 |
專 書 |
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技術報告 |
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參與計畫 |
■ 113年,吳雅蓉,台鋼科大資訊傳播與行銷系,主持人, 計畫: TSG當週媒體聲量週報及TSG永續週報編輯
計畫:高雄市大岡山地區東亞多元文化融合總體營造 (教育部, 109/1/1 ~ 111/12/31) ■ 107年,吳雅蓉,高苑科大行銷與流通系,主持人, 計畫:高苑科大路竹情--社區關懷暨農特產品網路行銷 (教育部, 107/4/1 ~ 108/12/31) ■ 98年,吳雅蓉,高苑科大行銷與流通系,主持人, 計畫:組織間合作成本、交易統轄機制對關係績效之影響 (新制多年期第2年) (國科會, 2009/8/1 ~ 2010/7/31) ■ 97年,吳雅蓉,高苑科大行銷與流通系,主持人, 計畫:組織間合作成本、交易統轄機制對關係績效之影響(新制多年期第1年)(國科會, 2008/8/1 ~ 2009/7/31) ■ 96年,吳雅蓉,高苑科大行銷與流通系,主持人, 計畫:國際企業子公司間合作與競爭行為對子公司演進之影響--以多國籍企業在台子公司為實證(國科會, 2007/8/1 ~ 2008/7/31) ■ 95年,吳雅蓉,高苑科大行銷與流通系,主持人, 計畫:全球供應鏈影響供應商專屬性投資之因素探討--趨力, 買方統轄機制, 以及關係屬性(國科會, 2006/8/1 ~ 2007/7/31) ■ 94年,吳雅蓉,高苑科大行銷與流通系,主持人, 計畫:以供應商觀點探討加入全球供應鏈專屬性投資對於關係學習,能力提昇之影響(國科會, 2005/8/1 ~ 2006/7/31) ■ 93年,吳雅蓉,高苑科大國際商務系,主持人, 計畫:聯合品牌策略對廣告溝通效果影響之研究(國科會, 2004/8/1 ~ 2005/7/31) |